Change your portfolio layout grid

What if we'd tell you that you could re-design the entire look of your front page with just a single click? 

Well, you can! If you're using projects with a beautiful portfolio grid, you can simply click on the little ⚙️icon and change your entire front-page layout with just a single click. 

Pick the grid layout you like the most, adjust the crops of your work, and boom, you just created an entirely new front-page and it took you no time at all.

What's the difference between the portfolio grid and a gallery grid block?

Great question! Your portfolio grid is your project overview on your homepage. If you click on them, they will automatically go to the specific project. A gallery grid block is a little different. You can place it on any page (even inside project pages) to show a bunch of images in a nice grid. When you click on an image inside a gallery grid block it will just enlarge and show in a lightbox.

So the main difference is:
Portfolio Grid = Project thumbnails that will link to their project pages
Gallery Grid Block = A nice gallery of images that will enlarge when clicking on them.

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